28 July 2010

Boo Hoo!

I know, I know... You're all mad at me for not posting in weeks but I am working on it! Promise!

Life with 3 under 3 1/2 is definitely more of a challenge than anticipated but I am doing my best to adjust to this little addition! "Adjusting" means NO time for blogging! I can hardly write out bills and cut coupons anymore. Crazy how something so small takes up so much time! Anyways, enough for boo hoo-ing. Wouldn't trade the world for this little peanut!
I'm not going to say 'come back soon' for more posts anymore seeing as I never keep my word... unless 'soon' to you means weeks, maybe months :) I'm doing my best! Hope to be back soon! :)
love to all


  1. Yay! A new post...I've run up your counter thing a lot in the last few weeks (sorry!) because I kept checking. :) Excited to keep the little men for your date night. Love & hugs to all!

  2. Mo, He's ADORABLE, even crying! Praying for you all in your new phase of life... love you!
