I like surprises. No. I love surprises. For other people, that is! I love planning and stressing over making every detail just right. However, I don't do well when they are for me! Saturday, Aug. 8th was a Saturday like no other. We've been so busy this summer that there hasn't been a 'nothing to do' Saturday in a while. I was doing dishes and cleaning the kitchen, the boys were napping, it was nice, quiet and I even had time to relax.
While I was relaxing, Sonny had a wonderful idea and asked me to go out to dinner with him. He had the idea to go early to beat the rush and that sounded good to me. He even called my mom to check about watching the boys so we could go alone. I was excited! He said "Why don't you get all dolled up?! It'll be fun!". I was game.
We dropped the kids off at my parents and were off to dinner. We decided on The Cheesecake Factory, since that is one of my favorite restaurants. We had a nice quiet table, delicious food and it was fun talking, just the two of us. We were stuffed, but decided on dessert. I suggest a McD's cone since they are pretty good and cheap! He said that sounded good but didn't want to get it right away. We'd get it closer to my parents house. So, we got on the highway and started driving. We were talking, and as we were, I noticed we passed my parents exit. I just kept talking and figured he had another McD's in mind. I noticed we were then getting close to downtown Cleveland. I started getting a nervous feeling and wondered what was going on. I asked and he said he had a surprise but not to ask any more questions. I kept guessing at what it was but I was wrong until we pulled down Euclid Ave. The State Theatre! Through family members, I knew that weekend was the Mary Poppins musical at the State Theatre. He was taking ME!
We got there with time to walk around and find our seats and relax a bit and talk. I was shocked! We had great seats! I don't know why but I didn't think to take pictures until we left. It was such a fun night and I'm so thankful he was so thoughtful and took me. Just thinking of me and planning such a wonderful surprise was so special and an evening I will never forget!

Me & my wonderful hubby

We were literally running out of the building to beat the rush of traffic so as we were running, I snapped this pic. Obviously, I was looking good enough to get her head in it!
This was our little greeter when we got to my parents house!
The Fabulous Four