14 October 2009

Wordless Wednesday + a teeny bit...

Love this picture of cousin "Whoa-zee" (Rosie)!
I would LOVE to know what she is thinking!

09 October 2009

Just tell me...

Who, tell me who

needs a girl when I have a boy with this curly cuteness...

and these frilly foo-foos...

and these long eyelashes that even the camera flash catches them...

and with a cute little side stand like this...


Well, if the Lord gave me a girl, I'd be overjoyed just the same but if not, I have enjoyed immensely the playing, braiding and french twisting of this little cutie! These were after bath shots when his hair is at its curliest!

FYI - he will be getting a haircut before the end of the year.
Daddy is still holding on to the "baby" hair but it's on the Tucker to-do list!!!

Our House

* This post is for an out-of-state friend who wanted to see a pictures of my house *
This house was such a blessing to and for us. The Lord knew exactly what we needed (doesn't He always?!) We weren't looking in this area much but our realtor set up an appt. for this one and we fell in love with the land. We met the owner, a widow, who was looking to downsize. Later on, we found out there were 2 offers on this house, but after meeting the owner, she chose us because she was excited that a young couple about to be married wanted to purchase it to raise a family in and live for many years, just as she and her husband did back in 1957. We still keep in contact with her and she is still pleased! :)

The house was originally a beige-y peach-ish color but THANK GOD, we had it painted last year. I fulfilled my dream of a red door (and had them paint my mailbox to match)!

Hubby keeps the grass looking ever so loverly! Thanks, hon!
Wifey waters the plants! Thanks, me!

Our backyard, complete with lots of open yard, a trampoline we call "the jump-o-line", a baby swing, patio set on a small brick patio and lots of outdoor kids toys. We enjoy the open space to entertain our families and friends! God has been so good to us!

07 October 2009

Wordless Wednesday + a little more...

For those of you fortunate enough to be around Luke much, you know this is his weakness! Running! How he loves to run!
"Mom, I go fasss!"

06 October 2009

Do I make Jesus happy?

This has been my main thought for a couple days now. Here's why:

On Sunday, Luke's behavior wasn't the best, not what it could or should have been. Monday was worse! His cousins were over that day and he decided not to share his cars and trucks with them, making these evil, shrieking sounds whenever they came near them. That was a long day of working with him on sharing but that evening, the Lord spoke to me about obedience. It's not just something we hear or sing about, but something we need to do daily. I am quick to correct him of his wrongs, but I thought "does he really understand why?". I spent some alone time with him last night and today to talk about sharing and why we need to share and obey. Not only is it right, and makes mommy and daddy happy, but most importantly, it makes Jesus happy! I could tell he really enjoyed our little talk, saying throughout the evening last night "make Jesus happy, make Jesus happy".

Today, after his nap when he woke up, the first thing he did was come up to me and say "me make Jesus happy"! I teared up and gave him a big hug and reassured him that obeying makes Jesus happy! I know it will be a rough road at times, but him starting to understand who Jesus is, that He loves us and wants us to obey Him is such a blessing to see! I am re-living my Sunday School days, singing the kid songs they sing and listening to many Patch the Pirate tapes. I was just SO happy today, thinking of all this, and how Jesus must be smiling at my little blonde haired, blue eyed boy.

Thank you, Jesus, for Luke! Thank you, God, for Jesus!

Now, back to the "obeying thing"... Being a parent and going through this for the first time has been so convicting. I tell Luke to obey Jesus, but do I? Do I? What an eye opener! I am thankful the Lord has brought me through these couple days with a renewed outlook on obedience! I truly do want to make Jesus happy!

Do you?