On the way home, I spotted some garage sale signs and decided to attempt to go to a few with them without any other adult help! :) The first few garage sales were very close to the street so I left the boys in the car with a snack and ran to browse quickly. Luke's a fast eater but Zach is slow, so on the last stop, I decided to take Luke with me and leave Zach in the car (which was 10 ft. away in the driveway).
Luke was infatuated with this object below. A chair. A very dusty, old, rickety chair with one of the legs underneath glued several times, you could tell. He would look around with me and then look back at the chair and then we'd move on again, and he'd ask how the chair was and would tell me that it was still on the first table we looked at. At the end of my looking, he walked me over to the table and with 'those eyes' asked if he could have it. I, at first, thought we had no need for this chair. But then I remembered a few garage sales my mom took me to when I was little and let me pick out something that I really treasured, some of which I still have today - so - I allowed him to buy the chair. Fifty cents was the price and it was worth it for the smile it brought to him!
So here is a picture of the beloved chair. I wondered what Luke had in mind when he wanted it...
Here is what he had in mind - a nice wooden rocking chair for Woody!
We recently watched the movie "Toy Story" for the first time with Luke and he simply adores the character Woody. My dad found this Woody doll years ago and I believe he just had it kept in the garage, but once he realized how much Luke liked him, he gave it to him one day and what a great day that was for Luke! I thought it was cute how he thought of his toy and had in mind to get a chair for him! What their little minds think up!
So, sit back and relax, Woody, and welcome to the family!